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Conference papers (28 out of 140 submissions)
- A Real-Time CAN-CAN Gateway with Tight Latency Analysis and Targeted Priority Assignment
Guoqi Xie, Haijie Gong, Yunbo Han, Samarjit Chakraborty and Wanli Chang
- A study of predictable execution models implementation for industrial data-flow applications on a multi-core platform with shared banked memory
Matheus Schuh, Claire Maiza, Joel Goossens, Pascal Raymond and Benoît Dupont de Dinechin
- An Optimization Framework for Real-Time Systems with Sustainable Schedulability Analysis
Yecheng Zhao, Runzhi Zhou and Haibo Zeng
- DAG Scheduling and Analysis on Multiprocessor Systems: Exploitation of Parallelism and Dependency
Shuai Zhao, Xiaotian Dai, Iain Bate, Alan Burns and Wanli Chang
- E-WarP: a System-wide Framework for Memory Bandwidth Profiling and Management
Parul Sohal, Rohan Tabish, Ulrich Drepper and Renato Mancuso
- Energy-Constrained Standby-Sparing for Weakly Hard Real-Time Systems
Linwei Niu and Danda Rawat
- Generating Utilization Vectors for the Systematic Evaluation of Schedulability Tests
David Griffin, Iain Bate and Robert Davis
- GoodSpread: Criticality-Aware Static Scheduling of CPS with Multi-QoS Resources
Debayan Roy, Sumana Ghosh, Qi Zhu, Marco Caccamo and Samarjit Chakraborty
- HARC: A Heterogeneous Array of Redundant Persistent Clocks for Batteryless, Intermittently-Powered Systems
Vishal Deep, Vishak Narayanan, Mathew Wymore, Daji Qiao and Henry Duwe
- Hard-Real-Time Routing in Probabilistic Graphs to Minimize Expected Delay
Kunal Agrawal, Sanjoy Baruah, Zhishan Guo, Jing Li and Sudharsan Vaidhun
- Hybridization for stability verification of nonlinear switched systems
Miriam García Soto and Pavithra Prabhakar
- Integrating Online Safety-related Memory Tests in Multicore Real-Time Systems
Ciro Donnarumma, Alessandro Biondi, Francesco De Rosa and Stefano Di Carlo
- Maintaining Real-Time Data Freshness in Wireless Powered Communication Networks
Zimeng Zhou, Zelin Yun, Chenchen Fu, Jason Xue and Song Han
- Mixed-Criticality Scheduling in Compositional Real-Time Systems with Multiple Budget Estimates
Kecheng Yang and Zheng Dong
- Non-Preemptive Real-Time Multiprocessor Scheduling Beyond Work-Conserving
Hyeongboo Baek, Jaeheon Kwak and Jinkyu Lee
- On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines
Shengzhong Liu, Shuochao Yao, Xinzhe Fu, Rohan Tabish, Simon Yu, Ayoosh Bansal, Heechul Yun, Lui Sha and Tarek Abdelzaher
- Optimal Priority Assignment for Multiple CAN/CAN-FD Buses with a Central Gateway
Taeju Park, Jiarui Lyu and Kang Shin
- Pythia-MCS: Enabling Quarter-Clairvoyance in I/O-Driven Mixed-Criticality Systems
Zhe Jiang, Kecheng Yang, Nathan Fisher, Neil Audsley and Zheng Dong
- R-TOD: Real-Time Object Detector with Minimized End-to-End Delay for Autonomous Driving
Wonseok Jang, Hansaem Jeong, Kyungtae Kang, Nikil Dutt and Jong-Chan Kim
- Rate-Monotonic Schedulability of Implicit-Deadline Tasks is NP-hard Beyond Liu and Layland’s Bound
Pontus Ekberg
- Real-Time Recovery for Cyber-Physical Systems using Linear Approximations
Lin Zhang, Xin Chen, Fanxin Kong and Alvaro Cardenas
- Reliability Test based on a Binomial Experiment for Probabilistic Worst-Case Execution Times
Luís Fernando Arcaro, Karila Palma Silva, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira and Luís Almeida
- Response Time Analysis and Priority Assignment of Processing Chains on ROS2 Executors
Yue Tang, Zhiwei Feng, Nan Guan, Xu Jiang, Mingsong Lv, Qingxu Deng and Wang Yi
- Response-Time Analysis for Non-Preemptive Global Scheduling with FIFO Spin Locks
Suhail Nogd, Geoffrey Nelissen, Mitra Nasri and Björn Brandenburg
- Robust and Accurate Period Inference using Regression-Based Techniques
Serban Vadineanu and Mitra Nasri
- Schedulability Analysis for Adaptive Mixed Criticality Systems with Arbitrary Deadlines and Semi-Clairvoyance
Alan Burns and Robert Davis
- The Best of All Worlds: Improving Predictability at the Performance of Conventional Coherence with No Protocol Modifications
Salah Hessien and Mohamed Hassan
- Towards Practical Multiprocessor EDF with Affinities
Stephen Tang and Jim Anderson